10 Things to Look for in a Ruby Developer

As a small business owner, it’s important to take your time when choosing the right developer to hire ruby on rails developers. It’s not an area you want to be in a rush about; you want to make sure you choose someone who will be able to create something that fits your vision exactly, and that person must also be able to work well with you as your business continues to grow and change. When you know what qualities you’re looking for in a Ruby developer, hiring one becomes much easier – here are 10 things to look for when hiring Ruby developers.

How to hire ruby developers:

Whether you’re hiring an entire team or looking to hire freelance developers, there are certain traits that can make or break your relationship with them. First of all, good developers come from various disciplines and may have several years of experience under their belts. It takes time to hone certain skills, so don’t be afraid if they don’t have everything on your wish list up front—you can always train people over time if they have a passion for it and demonstrate willingness to learn.

Here are ten things:

1. A passion for learning,

2. A commitment to continuous improvement,

3. Attention to detail,

4. Critical thinking and problem solving skills,

5. Teamwork and collaboration skills,

6. Excellent communication skills both written and verbal (especially with code),

7. An understanding of how developers work together in an agile environment

8- Time management skills

9 – Financial Literacy

10 – Motivation or are driven by company goals rather than deadlines

1) They have done at least one project before

Check their portfolio. If you’re not sure what to look for, ask them questions about what they did on past projects and see if it makes sense. Any developer worth hiring should be able to break down what they did and why it worked—even if you don’t understand most of it.

2) They look for best practices

Hiring a Ruby developer can be tricky. While it’s easy to find developers who know how to code and how to use existing technologies, developers with experience in delivering great apps may be harder to come by. That’s why you need someone who understands your business goals and knows best practices for meeting them through their work. This will help ensure that your app not only meets your needs but that it also works well when put into production.

3) They use git

A lot of developers use git for version control. It’s great because you can see what changes were made, when they were made, and roll back your code if you need to. If a developer doesn’t use version control, it’s probably because they’re new or just not very good yet. Be wary of these candidates; you want people who care about their work.

4) The know their tools

The right developer will know their tools inside and out. They’ll know what each option does, and they’ll know when it makes sense to use them. If you’re looking at someone who seems unclear on what they’re doing, walk away. You don’t want someone who is blindly applying any piece of advice that comes their way—you want someone who knows why something is relevant or important.

5) They can tell you how they work

Before you hire any developer, it’s important to know what they’re going to work on. It’s also critical that your future Ruby developer can tell you how they do their work. The best ones know why they approach problems in a certain way, and if you can get them talking about how they do their work—instead of having them just talk about what they do—you might just find yourself with an expert developer.

6) They have all the right certifications

IT certifications are great, but it’s possible to get certified without really knowing what you’re doing. Hiring an experienced developer will ensure that he or she is good at what they do and knows best practices.

7) They have gone through an interview before

There are a variety of certifications available for developers, but there are certainly two main names you should know: The Certified Associate (CAS) and Certified Professional (PCP). These two, plus many others, have similar objectives. They test your knowledge of Ruby, Rails and their use cases. There are some strong opinions on which one is better: CAS or PCP? Personally I prefer CAS because it’s focused on one language instead of being all-encompassing like PCP.

8) They can communicate clearly, both verbally and written

When you’re hiring someone who will be working with others on your team, that person needs to be able to communicate clearly and effectively. A ruby developer shouldn’t have any trouble discussing code with team members or explaining concepts—even abstract ones—to people outside of their immediate group. Plus, if there are bugs or errors, they need to be able to explain what happened as clearly as possible so that everyone on the team can come up with solutions together.